Old Version of SongBird
Date Released: 8 February 2006
File Size: 69.10 MB
Publisher: Pioneers of the Inevitable aka POTI Inc.
License: Freeware
Operation Systems: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, Linux, and Solaris
Category: Media
Versions: 1.0 – 2.2.0
Last Updated: January 18, 2020
File Size: 69.10 MB
Publisher: Pioneers of the Inevitable aka POTI Inc.
License: Freeware
Operation Systems: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, Linux, and Solaris
Category: Media
Versions: 1.0 – 2.2.0
Last Updated: January 18, 2020
Songbird is a free program that allows you to play and manage music files on your computer and on your iPod. Mozilla supports the openware program which offers users many features and options to make managing your music downloads easy.
While Songbird is still in development, previous versions, especially version 1.0, offer users all the features on a stable platform. Songbird Version 1.0 includes support for iPod syncing and will automatically scan for media, such as an iTunes library. Users can import playlists, music, edited files, song ratings, and play counts from iTunes and Songbird will automatically update these changes when the media player starts.

Songbird supports a wide range of media formats, including MP3, FLAC, AAC, Fairplay and Vorbis on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Windows users can also use WMA and WMA DRM files. Songbird displays the currently playing track’s album art and even searches for the art on the web, if it is missing from your list.
Users of Songbird particularly enjoy the gapless playback experience as Songbird adjusts the playback automatically. Songbird skips padding data due to encoding and chain files and simply plays the music you want to hear seamlessly.
It is easy to add media to Songbird by importing from your file system or iTunes. You can also set up watch folders and Songbird will automatically import new media from a defined folder. Users love the smart playlists that automatically update according to your customised criteria.
Because Songbird includes an integrated web browser, features like bookmarking and tabbed browsing make the program user friendly. Songbird is easy to download and install, and the setup assistant will help you to set up Songbird with your customised preferences easily.
Library management tools allow you to browse, organise, sort, search, and find your different media files when you want them. The program offers many customised features, including making your own Songbird icon from choosing from dozens of different feathers.
Downloading Songbird will make managing your music and media files easy. Songbird can be used on many types of computer operating systems and is easy to use and install. You will love the features of Songbird, particularly the stable 1.0 version.